Be the protagonist in your own healing journeyĀ 


I show you how with lifestyle changes, ancestral practices, plants and equal parts ritual & reverence.Ā 




Regina Kankinza

 Ayurvedic Fertility & Metabolic Health Coach

>> Hey y’all,  I am Regina Kankinza, community activist turned womxn’s wellness practitioner. <<   

I help womxn learn the language of their bodies so they can be the protagonist in their own healing journeys using plant-medicine, ritual and reverence.  In Her It Blooms is my ode & offering to support the body-mind-spirit complex of the warrior-womxn, the seekers, those determined to live life on purpose & those who came here to play & have pleasure on behalf of all the womxn before them who were denied that right.

I've helped hundreds of womxn stop treating symptoms or chasing a diagnosis with labs that "look normal" even though they know something is wrong. Around these parts, I show you how to figure out the root causes all those seemingly disparate & unpleasant little (and not-so -little) things you got going on. Because there is a root cause.  

My offerings to you are rooted in deep study in Ayurveda, spiritual herbalism, ancestral practices, yoga therapy, health supportive cooking, pranayama, meditation, Nubian & Kemetic healing practices & vibrational therapies.  I’ve dedicated various chapters of my life to learning with indigenous land activists, farm-to-table chefs, herbalists, Ayurvedic doctors, yogi’s, Nubian & Kemetic keepers of the tradition, village elders, ancestors as well as with mama nature herself. 

The medicine I offer is inside the relationship we build, your personalized protocol & the community of other womxn that are on their healing journeys too!


As Featured in:



You know you’re in the right place if:

You know illness is initiation & a portal to your best incarnation yet.

You're ready to be the protagonist in your own healing journey.

You know real healing can't happen in isolation.  You want to heal in community.

Restore balance + the body heals itself. 


Life under capitalism is unnatural. We are often exploited because of the demands we face and the internalized hustle culture we bought into long ago.

If you already know "this can't be life, there's gotta be more" :: Mobb Deep voice :: then this online community care space is for you.  

 Here we work to make our body & community the site of & catalyst for transformation & liberation -yours, mine and ours collectively.

See what others are saying: 


I can not speak highly enough of Regina!!! To say she has been life altering is an understatement.  In working with her I have reached new heights of health, spirituality, and peace.  I am the strongest I have ever been through her protocol and have achieved goals with her coaching all through self love, patience & education.  She has been my greatest investment.


Regina is an incredibly gifted and knowledgeable healer. She is warm, genuine and more thorough than any physician I’ve been to. Having dealt with a decades long thyroid issue that medical doctors disregard, it was nice to be heard. Her recommendations and herbal additions have made a big difference in my life.   By getting to know you she is able to offer multiple options for healing and your overall health plus tools to take charge of your own health.


For me, seeking In Her It Blooms out was about realizing that everything I was feeling physically, spiritually, and emotionally was all connected. While there have been ways to treat the seemingly disparate symptoms with pharmaceuticals and surgeries, I knew that none of these options would address the root issues. From an Aruyvedic lense, everything I was experiencing was linked, and Regina walked me through the history of these practices, and the ways in which I could address these issues from a whole-being perspective. I was stunned by the amount of work and thought went into the protocol she built for me. It was so beyond what I was expecting. Especially important to me is that Regina has studied these practices from authentic indigenous sources and so the knowledge I'm getting from her is not mediated through white supremacy, but rooted in ancient healing knowledge.


Highly recommended for a wellness consultation.  The intake form was the most comprehensive I’ve ever seen physically, emotionally, mentally, emotionally, spiritually checking in on all levels. ...A dope ass herbalist with great skills and realness that’s hard to find. One of the most comprehensive and lifestyle altering consultations I’ve had on my healing path.  Regina is the real deal. 


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Ayurvedic Day Planner + 10 min intro class

Learn to align your body with the natural biorhythms of the day & watch your body heal itself.  Subtle but potent medicine.


Modern science calls it chronobiology.  Our elders will call it common sense.   Ayurveda has called it dinacharya (or the science of aligning your day to the natural rhythms of the day) and it is said to be the most potent preventative ‘medicines’ available to us all.  Learn the 5000 year old technique that is at the core of living well.


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Keep it real, I'm not a frequent emailer but when I do, I promise its good!  New offers, open enrollment, I'll get straight to the good stuff.

We don't share your email or info with third parties--thats betrayal & wack. We would never.